Tuesday, August 01, 2006

2% Bail Bonds???

I have heard people say they can get bail bonds for 2%. "Two percent will get you out" is a clever way some bail agents try to deceive people into thinking they are only paying 2%. In reality, what they are saying is 2% down. I tried to explain this to a lady a couple of weeks ago. She insisted that's all they had to pay was 2%. I armed her with some questions to ask and had her call the bail agent back. When I spoke to her again, she said I had been right. When she confronted him with the direct questions I had told her to ask, he answered honestly that the balance of 8% WOULD have to be paid when her husband got out.

There are ads that say 2% but they say 2% down upon approved credit or something along those lines. Generally with such a low down payment, collateral will be required.

It's upsetting to me that there are bail agents who choose to be deceptive and take advantage of people at a time when they are already going through so much emotional turmoil. There are a lot of good bail agents. You just have to use your instincts and go with someone you feel comfortable with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I talked to a bondsman. He said I could make payments but that I will need collateral.