Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Good Experiences, tips and pointers

To help other people who may be looking for a bail bond company, post comments in this section about good experiences you've had. Or maybe you learned something you now know that you wish you had known before.

There are a lot of good bail bond companies out there. Use your instincts. If the bail agent you are talking to on the phone treats you right and provides you with information and answers to your questions, that is a good sign. If the bail agent is gruff or rude call someone else. There are too many nice bail agents for you to have to deal with someone who is not nice. Think about it, you are going to be spending a large amount of money with this person/company. They should treat you accordingly.

If you decide to call around and your phone number is displayed, you may get unwanted phone calls back from the more agressive bail agents. Try to call from a blocked number.

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