Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Reminder, "Don't Drink and Drive"

Many people misunderstand why law enforcement publishes the time and locations of DUI checkpoints.  I think it was stated well in a press release from the Huntington Beach Police Department  on June 24, 2010

A major component of the checkpoints, beyond taking dangerous drivers off the road, is to increase awareness of the consequences of impaired driving and to encourage using sober designated drivers. A DUI checkpoint is a proven effective method for achieving this goal. By publicizing these enforcement and education efforts, the Huntington Beach Police Department believes motorists are deterred from drinking and driving.

The Orange County Sheriff's Department, along with law enforcement everywhere, will be extra vigilant about being on the lookout for people who are driving under the influence and/or driving while impaired.

They do not publicize them so people can purposely avoid them, although I'm sure there are people who do.  There are other officers on the road, it is likely they will get pulled over and arrested anyhow if they are driving while impaired. 

If someone feels guilty enough to avoid a checkpoint, they should just pull over and get out of their car.  They can call a friend, family member or taxi driver.  No one to call? Walk or find somewhere safe to sit and wait it out.  It is just not worth the risks.

DUI enforcement will increase even more as the end of summer and Labor Day approach.

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