Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Click Here for Orange County Courts Case Access

Look up cases online

Whenever I post a bond for anyone, if the court is in Orange County, I give them the website for the court and tell them how to look up the case information online. New cases may not show up until the day before the initial court date is scheduled and in some cases may not show up until the date of appearance.

Once the case has been filed though, you will be able to keep track of the court dates online. This is useful if you signed to guarantee a bail bond for someone. It gives you a way to verify the information they tell you about the court dates. You will also be able to see when the bond is exonerated. The case status will be listed along with the details of the person's sentence if one was imposed.

For people on probation or if you have a friend or family member on probation, this website is useful for making sure the court hasn't violated the probation for any reason. We have posted bonds for many people who seemed to have no idea they had a warrant for their arrest. It's a good idea to keep track of any open cases. Get proof of any payments made to the court and a copy of the docket once all requirements have been met. Make sure what you have in writing shows you have done everything you were supposed to. A mistake often results in a probation violation. The bail for a misdemeanor probation violation is $15,000 so a mistake-no matter who's fault it is-could potentially cost you $1,500. You want to do everything you can to prevent mistakes.

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