Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Should you bail someone out who is going to be serving time?

Some things to consider when trying to decide

When we get a call to bail someone out of jail, there is so much about that person, their life, their family and their situation that we don't know. There is no possible way we can make decisions about whether or not they should stay in jail or be bailed out. What we can do is ask you questions that may help you come up with the answers. The more information we have, the better we will be able to help you in regards to posting a bail bond if that is what you decide to do. We will not pressure you. We will try to help you weigh your options. We will try to be as helpful as we can. So for example, if someone calls and wants to know if they should spend the money to bail the person out if she knows he is going to serve time. One thing to consider would be does she have the money? Can she afford to spend it and if so how much of a hardship will it be? How much is the bail? Is there enough money for both bail and an attorney? If not, are they okay with just a public defender or should all of the money go towards an attorney instead of bail? Do they really want to do both? If so, we can discuss payment arrangements so they will have money for an attorney. Is he going to fight the case? If so, how long is it expected to go on? Some criminal cases can go on for a year or more. How much time will he serve? If it is going to be a long time, he may want out before he is sentenced so he can get his affairs in order. How each question is answered determines the subsequent questions.

If the decision is to post bail, we explain how it works and can start the process immediately or as soon as it is convenient for our client.

If the decision is to let the person stay in jail, we let the caller know we understand and support their decision. We let them know we are available if they have any further questions. They don't have to feel obligated to tell us they are going to call us back. Many people feel that pressure, maybe from other companies they have called.