Monday, September 11, 2006


With the recent arrests of Mel Gibson and Paris Hilton for DUI I've decided to write about getting arrested for DUI in relation to how it works with bail bonds. They were both arrested for a first time DUI. In Los Angeles County, the bail schedule for a first time DUI is $5,000. Typically, when a person is arrested for a first time DUI, they must be detained for a certain number of hours before they can be released either on bail or cited out. Most people are cited out if it is their first time, they are local and don't seem to be a flight risk. If the person has an out of state license or has a warrant, they will need to post bail in order to get released. The cost for a $5,000 bail bond is $500. Collateral will usually be required. That means the bail bond company will either ask someone to sign on a house, put up a pink slip or post additional cash in order to guarantee that the arrestee makes all of his or her court appearances. Once the person is either sentenced or if the case is dismissed, the bond will be exonerated. Upon verification of exoneration, the bail bond company will return the collateral. The premium is non-refundable so you will not get the $500 back. Many people get confused about this.